It has been said that, Positivity can work wonders in a person’s life. What is so great about positivity one may, wonder? First and foremost, in this present era, negativity reigns supreme. Think of a time, when you were naturally positive about getting a work done. Every single time, you are fighting negativity, these days. If you don’t find your mobile for 5 mins, you assume you have dropped it. You son’s bus is late by 10 mins., you have chills down your spine. Aren’t you fighting negativity every, moment?

So what’s wrong with this, I might have negative thoughts, but isn’t that natural, and with each one of us? Yes, that is natural and with 90% of people. But these negative tendencies are ruining the society.

This negativity is killing people, leading to intoxicants, depression, suicide and much more. The secret to positive thinking, is practicing meditation.

The reason for this widespread negativity, frustration, anger, is lack of will power, explains Baba Ram Rahim, He had been instilling positivity in the younger generation, through novel means.

1) Meditation, being the first and foremost, method, and

2) Starting the day with gratitude and prayer,

3) Living in the moment, enjoy what you do, or do what you love and enjoy. For activities, that you have to take up and don’t enjoy, find a connection, for the same, and don’t let your mind wander.

4) You can even meditate, on God’s words, while, doing your chores or activities, the number 1 tip, given by Baba Ram Rahim, which works every time.

The last but not the lease one being:-

5) Include sports, as part of your Schedule. Spreading the culture of sports and games in rural areas, youngsters are mastering the art of being positive and developing self-esteem. He has setup world-class infrastructure for Development of Sports, in Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa, to turn our nation into a nation of players. A, full-fledged world class, stadium in a hamlet like Sirsa, was out of the wildest dreams of authorities. And now, we have world-class stadium, Roller-skating hockey rinks, Swimming pools, Lawn Tennis, Handball, Throwball, every facility in this small city, of Sirsa.

Baba Ram Rahim’s efforts, have had a huge impact in the rural areas of Haryana and Punjab, so much so that, every household in Sirsa, and the neighbouring areas, in Haryana, boast of being medalists.

This is helping the youngsters, at multiple levels, foremost being able to produce world class players, secondly, younger lot, is busy in creative pursuits rather than indulging their precious energy in Intoxicants and the likes. Baba Ram Rahim has even created a full-fledged ‘MSG Khel Gaon’, to focus on Olympics, and similar international level tournaments.

While, developing a positive mindset may not happen overnight, consistent efforts and practice along with regular meditation, can definitely take you there.

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